Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shopping With A Purpose

Do you always just shop for what you need or do you find yourself with a cart full of items that you could definitely do without?  How is it that we go to the store with a tight budget amount of $20 but when we make it to the register our total is upwards of $100 (or more)? How does this happen to us ALL the time? Is it the pretty packaging of a new tube of lipstick and you just gotta have it? Is it that you were only planning to buy a new bra but somehow ended up in the shoe department, because you found out they were having a sale, and now you have 3 pairs of shoes and a bra?

Woosah-let’s take a break from on what seems to be a never ending roller coaster!

Lately, we have started what’s called “Shopping with a Purpose” AKA Sticking to the game plan.  This can be very challenging, but a self-challenge is good for ya’ every now and then.
Take 30 days to follow the “Shopping with a Purpose” challenge which will include the following:
1. Make a list of needed items prior to going in the store. Not a mental note because you will forget and you would lose the challenge. LOL
2. When buying a gift for a friend, don’t buy yourself something too.
3. Don’t go to the store out of boredom. You start to get curious about too many things and the next thing you know you’ve spent hours finding pretty new things that you don’t need.
4. Take only the amount of cash you plan to spend.
5. Set a goal of how much you want to save at the end of the month, this way it will kick you into overdrive to avoid picking up everything.
6. Have enough will power to not be tempted by the salesman who has been telling you everything that you try on looks good (as a matter of fact, don’t even try it on).  They are not your friends!
7. Don’t grab a large shopping cart, pick up that little hand held basket.
And last but not least….
8. Have a talk with yourself before going in to the store, this will empower you to be strong enough and committed enough to not overspend.

So ladies and gents we know you can do this; SHOP WITH A PURPOSE!  Doing this will not only have you only purchase essentials, but you are shopping less and saving more.

As always,
Jania and Deidra
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